
Who I Am, Not What I Do

John Tilton

Matthew 19:16-17 Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”
Obedience more then acts is what Jesus tells the Rich man is of importance. Yet, I believe Jesus is not saying that we should not be doers, but rather obedience comes first, and that if we are obedience our actions will fall in line with Jesus who is the only one that is good. What comes to mind is the scripture to be doers of the Word, and therefore it is more about who we are in Christ then what we can do that is good. If we are first obedient to His commandments, then we will be doers of the Word and our actions therefore become and extension of His will in our lives.
I know that I am a doer that feels a constant drive each day to do the things that I am responsible for and expected to do. Thus, my mind and actions tend to turn to the task and the assignment. Being a person of the task sometimes tends to causes me to sometimes stray from the Lord’s commandments. These scriptures are prompting and reminding me that my obedience to the Lord Jesus commandments must come firs. I know that putting Him first in obedience will form and nurture my character in Christ. When I am growing in Christ, doing good will be a natural result and product that comes forth as all that I do will be based on my foundation in Him.
Dear Jesus, thank you for reminding me that I need to first be obedient to your commandments, which will form and nurture who I am in you. I pray that I will daily turn to you first in obedience and in my relationship with you, knowing that my actions and what I do will then be an extension of who you are in me.

Today's Devotions

1 Chronicles 16
Psalm 106
Matthew 19

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