
R12:10: The Accuser in me

Rod Shimabukuro


And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. Revelation 12:10 ESV


The vision of John involving the end of times include the war between good and evil, God and satan. There’s a message of endurance of Christian’s as they overcome the enemy. Heavens witness declares the salvation, power and authority of Jesus - giving the accuser/the devil a body slam - having thrown him down.

Satan’s work is tireless, accusing Christians day and night before God. That’s pretty gutsy, bold and fierce of the enemy. BUT - what has been and continues to be our source...? The Kingdom of God, HIs authority, power and salvation! That great news!


I’m still warned in spirit to be mindful of the accusers tactics. He is fierce and bold in accusation. He is constantly bringing my name before God day and night - accusing me of how disqualified I am. If I’m not careful, my own mind pays tricks and before you know it, I am deceived into thinking and believing I am a ”low life“ on God’s list. If I’m not careful of the accusers tactics, I’m left feeling side swiped and black listed.

A relationship application just hit me. Do I side swipe or black list people I don’t care of or like? As if I’m being used by the enemy to accuse my brothers and sisters in Christ. The very ones I am to love, care for, bear burdens - I blacklist and gossip about. I bring accusation of my poor attitudes for the devil to use to divide, bringing unhealthy outcomes to these relationships.


Dear Jesus,
Today I am aware of and desire to cling to Your great salvation and power and authority to live above reproach. That I would be healed of any improper attitudes, motives, offenses that could so easily divide relationships in my life. Thank You for Your conviction and revelation to discern what is good and evil in my heart. I love You and really want to live for You, with all my life, words, actions.

Today's Devotions

2 Kings 25
2 Chronicles 36
Jeremiah 40,41
Revelation 12

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