
Oh God Help! Me, an example?

Rod Shimabukuro


So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. 1 Peter 5:1-3


BOLD is my emphasis. “So...” makes me look back at yesterdays devo. “So”...Because of the suffering, persecution and impending judgement on the household of God - step it up elders shepherding the flock - the household of God! Manipulation, greed, being domineering seems to all wrap itself up in a wicked package called pride.

God is calling spiritual elders, pastors, leaders to a higher level of leadership. The kind of leadership that goes far beyond strategic, organizational, visionary...leadership.

Peter sets a marker for elders/pastors to be examples to the flock.


Examples huh? By the looks of sinfulness among spiritual leadership ranks in our culture, western church, even throughout the world - God is purging His church leaders. The warnings of selfish-self centered spiritual leadership is real. When spiritual leaders, like me, example greediness, self centered and selfishness - it’s a travesty to the people of God and His Kingdom!

I am called by God to example Jesus heart and life to the flock of God. I’m convicted by the way I spend money, live life in the area of luxuries. It’s an internal battle that makes it way out through my pocketbook. Greed, materialism - the comforts of life...!

Dear Jesus!!!! Lead me to repentance! I’m led to finish my application in prayer...


I really believe You called me serve your people as a shepherd/elder...representing Your heart. Oh God...but I have to get my act together in certain areas. Thank you for convicting me in the area of stewarding finances, the way I spend Your money!

Another conviction is that Your people, Your church are giving to support my calling in You! Oh God...have mercy on steward my heart, soul, life, family, health, finances....for Your glory - to represent You as an example to Your Flock! Help Me O God!!!

Today's Devotions

Isaiah 46,47,48,49
1 Peter 5

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